Sunday, May 31, 2020

The selfish man

One day a man worked in a farm and his name was author. Author was very poor but he still helped people in need. One day Author was in the farm and he was working harder than ever. When Author was taking rest he saw an old man suffering from fever.

Author was trying to help the old man get better. After a few weeks the old man felt better. The man thanked Author. Author felt happy that he helped the old man.

When author was plowing in the farm a gang of thieves took his tractor and ran away.

Author felt tiered. He sat down on the chair. He thought that where will he sell the  wheat.

Will he keep the wheat or sell it?  So the man made up his mind and kept the wheat.

Then Author stopped helping people and became selfish. As Author stopped helping people, people stopped helping him.

After that Author stopped farming and died.

The End

The old man, 6 sons and 2 daughters

An old man had 6 sons and 2 daughters. The first 5 sons were very intelligent and the last son was very naughty. The first daughter was very intelligent like the 5 sons. But the other daughter was a little naughty.

One day the 5 sons were going to an adventure. They had a treasure map. They were passing 3 different islands. The 3 Islands were,

The dragon Island

The France island (it means the shark island)

The island of sweets

The first Island was the dragon island. 

It was very dark and spooky. The 3rd brother was scared. Then they saw a volcano in the volcano was a huge dragon.

The 5th brother was very intelligent. He knew how to pass the volcano. When the dragon was coming out of the volcano all the brothers got scared. The 5th brother was a clever man as he read books and likes them a lot. He knew that dragons are afraid of GODZILA. So he already had build a robot GODZILA. Then he called his friend to bring GODZILA the robot. When GODZILA arrived the dragon was scared of GODZILA. But he challenged the robot. In the end GODZILA won the battle.

Now the boys went on the next location, the FRANCE island. The 2nd brother was very very scared. But the 4th brother was very exited on the amazing and horrible adventure. In that island there was a hideous creature called the FRO dark. The FRO dark lived in a swamp. The FRO dark was 1000000 times stronger then the dragon. The brothers passed the demon quietly and off to the next island.

The next island was the sweets Island. When the brothers came they were amazed to see so much sweets. All the brothers were very afraid of candy because of cavity. So they passed the sweets island.

At last they arrived at the golden treasure. Then they took some of the golden treasure and went back home.

While the 5 sons where away the old man grew poorer and poorer the 1 son and 2 daughters where growing but they were dying of hunger.

And that was the end of the old man the 6 sons and the 2 daughter.


Chapter – 1 King plum the fat

Once upon a time there was a kingdom which was called the helping country. It was ruled by many fat people and lazy ones to (not always lazy...